
Family & Consumer Sciences Undergraduate Programs

The Department of Family & Consumer Sciences offers the B.S. degree in nine areas. For more detailed information about the academic programs of FCS, see the Harding University Catalog.

Accelerated Applied Dietetics Practice

The accelerated B.S./M.S. pathway is for qualified undergraduate students, 允许他们在五年内完成应用营养学实践的理学学士和理学硕士学位. 学生将在前三年完成文科学分和先决条件,并在第四年和第五年完成相同的研究生课程. 该课程包括147个学时和1106个学时的监督式体验式学习. Learn more about the Accelerated Applied Dietetics Practice program.

Child Development

儿童发展学位为您准备了各种针对儿童早期出生的健康和发展的职业.  它的重点是在各种环境中为儿童提供适合发展的做法,这些做法符合国家儿童发展认证协会的标准. 该学位的综合性为毕业生在全国范围内需求的各种工作做好了准备. For detailed degree information, see the Harding University Catalog.

Child Life

这个学位计划提供了儿童发展和家庭系统的强大背景. 这个项目的课程内容旨在通过游戏来促进有效的应对, preparation, education, and self-expression activities appropriate for children.  许多课程不仅包括临床医院设置的应用, but for other facets of the field such as court and foster care systems, trauma teams, bereavement support services, and others. 该学位计划还包括在各种环境中以家庭为中心的护理的深入研究.  实习经验,学生选择一个医疗保健项目,获得第一手的接触领域是必需的. For detailed degree information, see the Harding University Catalog.

This is the logo for the ACLP endorsement for FCS.儿童生活专业由儿童生活专业人士协会认可. 这一认可保证了该计划符合ACLP学术和临床准备计划标准中规定的要求, confirming that the program’s structure, curriculum, resources, support system, and sustainability are of the highest quality. 学生可以确信课程符合ACLP认证要求, enabling them to apply for and take the exam to become a Certified Child Life Specialist (CCLS).

Community Engagement

这个理学士课程的学习将以理论为基础,使学生成为社区积极变革的推动者, prevention, 和技能发展,以更好地满足当今社会的需求和挑战. 该学位计划结合了当地社区的服务学习机会,并包括工商管理学院和社会工作系的课程. For detailed degree information, see the Harding University Catalog.

Event Management

这个理学学士学位为学生在活动策划方面的成功职业做好准备, management and production. 该课程还包括工商管理学院和传播系的课程. For detailed degree information, see the Harding University Catalog.

Family & Consumer Sciences

The Family & 消费者科学学位为专业人士在各种环境下的通才职业做好准备.  毕业生在全面赋权个人的方法方面受过良好的训练, families and communities in the context of the basic human needs of food, clothing, shelter and relationships. 该学位包括所有学科专业的课程:食品和营养, child development and family services, apparel and textiles, housing and interiors,  consumer education and resource management. 该学位的选修课程允许学生在家庭和消费者科学的一个或多个领域轻松选择辅修课程或更深入的课程. FCS学位培养学生为他们周围的世界提供知情的领导,使所有人的生活质量有所不同. 有追求非传统职业的愿望的学生会发现这个学位多才多艺,有利于绘制自己独特的职业道路. For detailed degree information, see the Harding University Catalog.

Family & Consumer Sciences Education

In addition to ongoing teacher shortages in certain geographical areas, career opportunities in business, 工业和公共部门为拥有家庭和消费者科学教育学位的毕业生而存在. For detailed degree information, see the Harding University Catalog.

Family Life Education

家庭生活教育从家庭制度的角度侧重于健康的家庭功能,并提供主要的预防办法. 健康运作所需的技能和知识是众所周知的:强大的沟通技巧, knowledge of typical human development, good decision-making skills, positive self-esteem, and healthy interpersonal relationships. 家庭生活教育的目标是教授和培养这些知识和技能,使个人和家庭能够最佳地发挥作用. 家庭生活教育专业人员考虑包括经济在内的社会问题, education, work-family issues, parenting, sexuality, gender and more within the context of the family. They believe that societal problems such as substance abuse, domestic violence, unemployment, debt, 把个人和家庭视为更大系统的一部分,可以更有效地解决虐待儿童问题. 关于健康家庭功能的知识可以用来预防或尽量减少这些问题. 家庭生活教育通过教育的方式提供这种欧洲杯买球网站, often in a classroom-type setting or through educational materials. (NCFR, 2010)

哈丁的项目是国家家庭关系委员会批准的项目。. 因此,我们课程的毕业生可以缩短申请程序,并减少费用,成为临时认证的家庭生活教育者.  For detailed degree information, see the Harding University Catalog.

Food and Nutrition

All students interested in nutrition, food management, 和/或应用营养学实践将在食品与营养专业开始. Students who choose not to apply to the  accelerated program in Applied Dietetics Practice  想要利用食品管理知识的职业现在在本科阶段将有一个单独的选择,这将导致营养和食品管理方面的各种职业. This program requires a minor. For detailed degree information, see the Harding University Catalog.